Friday 22 November 2013

Food - Your new super hero

We all love food, and when we are not feasting on it, we had love to watch movies that are high on food, don't we? And the inspiring messages that come with the flicks are always a bonus. So here I have five food movies that have managed to inspire people around the world and I'm sure they'll engross you too. 

Julie and Julia - ‘Cooking’ your dream

Julie Powell, a BPO employee makes it to her dream career with the help of food and Julia Child. Clueless about her future and the path that leads to it, Julie decides to follow her heart by starting a food blog. Religiously sticking to the schedule, a full circle of 365 recipes in 365 days from the book Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child, Julie finally completes her mission.  Which, let me tell you, isn’t as easy as it may sound. You must out for the scene where she is trying to poach eggs and the one where she is cooking stuffed duck for a guest. 
A sheer combination of love, hard work, self motivation, and the brilliant actress Meryl Streep make this movie a total stress buster.

Chocolat - Confessions of a Chocoholic

Chocolat is an amazing comedy of a struggle between rigid norms, fear of change and the power and effect of Vianne Rocher’s chocolates felt by the people of Lansquenet-sous-Tannes.  
Among the things you must look out for in the movie, this one takes the cake - a cheeky Roux teaches little Anouk the art of savoring something one hasn’t tried before, a fat worm in this case.  The passionate Vianne believes that every person has a certain taste button through which she can bring happiness around.
What you might want to avoid is being tempted by the movie and gorging on that hidden chocolate stock in your house. But once in a while, it is totally worth it.

Ratatouille - Size really doesn't matter

In the rat race of this big world, one should absolutely watch the tale of Ratatouille. This simple saga of perseverance and hope tells one to run for their dream no matter what the obstacles are, size being one of many. Remy, a scrawny ambitious rat wants to be the next culinary genius, but because of the nature’s ruthless law; the poor guy takes life as it comes by. Our favorite scenes are the ones where for the first time, Remy tastes the magic of two different flavors – it’s so cute you feel like cuddling him - and the scene with Chef Gusto, where he chases Remy on the streets of Paris for the secret recipe.
The movie’s animation is so real, that you probably might feel like donning on the apron and trying some of Remy’s tricks.

Super size me - a slow-fast food tale

Super Size Me, is a ‘must watch’ for today's fast food/instant meal generation. The movie is based on a man who takes up the task of eating only junk food for a month to instill the obvious after effects in our foodicted heads. 
Apart from the statistics that keep you glued to the screen, it is courage that Morgan Spurlock has shown by taking up a big task of creating awareness amongst people.  And in a pretty cool way too, by being the lab rat himself, hats off to him completely.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Give up on greed

This delectable saga turns out to be an instant favorite for everyone. Aside from the big candy joy ride, the movie is about little Charlie and nine other kids encounter with greed, temptation and their ultimate destiny at the Chocolate Factory.
The movie makes it to my list because: a) it is a delightful journey of moral ethics b) more chocolate and cyou just cannot miss the cute little Oompa Loompas!

Now that you have plenty to munch on, I believe that you will spare two hours from your busy schedule to catch these, because if you don’t, you might miss out on the tasty remedies for a happy living. Oh! and the crazy adorable characters too!

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